Well, I’ve got a secret. Yeah, I know, everyone has secrets. But not like mine. I’m an outcast for this reason. People just stare me down, act like I’m a freak. I guess I am. Girl’s (let alone anyone) with odd colored eyes are weird to everyone else. I guess I’m one of them. And now I’m supposed to save the world? Hold on, I'm only sixteen!
The wind blew through the window and rustled my hair. I zipped my suitcase closed and dropped it on the floor. I glanced around my room, making sure I didn't forget anything. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and rolled my suitcase down the stairs. My father grabbed it from me and took it outside along with my backpack. "Be out in the car in five." I nodded and headed out into the back yard. I picked up my glove and slipped it on. I looked up in the tree, there she was. Sitting high up in the branches, looking down upon me. I whistled and she flew down, landing on the protective glove. I walked out into the frontyard, stroking her soft feathers. It's not every day you get to pet a hawk. Yeah, It's probably illegal to own one, but I saved her. I'm pretty much her mother. Every year we go camping for my birthday. Last year, on my fifteenth birthday, I was walking in the woods when I heard a screech. I turned around and saw a baby hawk lying on the ground. I love animals very much and ran over to it. It's wing was broken. I picked it up and carried it back to the campsite we were staying at. I wrapped it's wing up and took it back to my cabin. I didn't want to leave it to die so I brought it back home with me. My father works at a zoo and offered to take it there, but I refused. He took it though to see if it was a male or a female. She was female and I named her Twilight after the campsite we were at, "The Twilight Resort." I hopped in the car and slipped her into her large cage in the seat next to me. This year we are going to a different camp site sadly. This year we are going to a new camp called, "Blood Moon."
That's all I can tell you for now, but that isn't all. This is an actual story that I am writting and am publishing. Thank you for reading it.
This is a story I made up out of boredom. If you steal this story or any of the charactors in it, I will contact Gaia, reporting you. Please don't steal it. I worked very hard on this story and would be upset if someone stole my work. I'm sure you would feel the same. Hope you enjoy my story! :D
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